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She turned in fright, and was just as speechless as I was, she looked so ashamed and embarrassed. I was first to speak. "Goddamn you Kimny , I feel like I have been lied to and fooled, I am pissed, you know I have always been attracted to you, I know that you know , I always saw in your eyes the little signals that you knew I was attracted though we never spoke of it." She started to sob a little and she said "Michael I am so sorry, I thought you would never understand my situation and I was. They did approve an additional position, but that’s for supervising the computer operators and managing the Prime Computers, not for programmers. That’s exactly what Mr. Forster had in his original budget request.”“So they went against the department head?” I asked.“It seems like he’s on his way out. Someone mentioned that he’s retiring soon.”“Interesting. But that’s great news, Dave! Have a safe drive back. I’ll see you in the office tomorrow!”I hung up the phone and yelled ‘Yes!’ and pumped. . seeing each other for about a week. Remember how sometimes you and I would talk about having sex with other people, or maybe have a threesome? Recently I've been thinking about it a lot, and last week, it kind of came up."Richard remembered their conversations. He'd never been serious about being unfaithful, but found it turned them both on a lot. They always had great sex afterward, but he'd thought that was all they needed to spice things up."Anyway," she continued, "One thing led to. I ran my fingertips slowly up to her labia and by the time they arrived she was all ready, wet and distended.I stood on the floor, took her knees in my hands and slid my cock into her succulent, oily pussy. She sighed happily, smiling up at me. She was alive, her eyes glinting and her lips deliciously slightly apart. I pressed in and she gasped and thrust back.I lifted her knees a bit higher, fucked another stroke, more downwards, and her arousal increased. I fucked another stroke, landing with.
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