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We had just finished our starter, when my wife went to the ladies' toilet. When she returned she revealed that she had removed her knickers. At every opportunity she was opening her legs, giving the waiters a view of her wet, swollen pussy.When we had finished our meal the taverna was empty. The head waiter came over to us, and asked if we would like to join them for a nightcap. We said we would love to and headed to where they were gathered.I sat myself at the bar to enjoy a nice brandy; my. As far as I know, he had never attained that perversion, in fact, according to all who knew him, John mounting a female, was beyond him, so masturbation was his main release, well that was until he had more access to me.Hubby had known John for many years through work and most of the female employees, humoured him, keeping him at arm length, especially after he had consumed alcohol, his eccentricity and inability to separate his perception of females in fantasy and of those in real life, had. "It's from Koss," T'Pol explained with barely hidden annoyance."Did you believe he had forgotten you? You're going to respond," her mother insisted."I have nothing to say to Koss," T'Pol denied defiantly."He's your fiancé," T'Les pushed, knowing full well that the betrothal had been broken three years ago, when T'Pol refused to return to Vulcan."Former fiancé," T'Pol corrected."That is a matter for debate. It would be wise for you to speak with him," T'Les returned matter-of-factly.T'Pol left. Victor kneeled behind me and he took the butt plug off my ass, very gentle.Then I felt some lube dripping onto my rear tight hole. He first rubbed my ass with his fingers before insert one. He fingered my anus for a while. Soon he removed his fingers from my ass and he inserted the butt plug again into me. It felt good, now it was well lubricated…Victor laid down on his back as I climbed over him. I took his hard thick cock into my mouth as he inserted the new black silicone dildo into my wet.
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