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As I turned back to Deena I could see that she was all smiles, and then what she said really sealed the deal. Oh by the way, just in case you think that you might be able to wiggle out of this I have to tell you that I have already given my deposition and now everyone will know all our dirty little bedroom secrets.I was totally shocked at hearing this and responded with, “How many where there? And what do you mean, all our dirty little bedroom secrets?”“Oh there was the secretary, the court. He knew the blowing of the bridge would signal Tyler just not to stop his retreat to Harrisonburg. And Able couldn't walk that far in front of a Confederate advance, even if he dared rise from the scant cover he'd gained when he'd hit the ground. The wound in his leg wasn't fatal, but it would slow him down too much to make a run for it. And it might, indeed, be fatal if he didn't get the bleeding stanched soon.The first wave of Confederate soldiers fanned out parallel to the river bank and. She then added. “There is no need for you to feel as if you cannot confide in me. I am your friend, remember?” “I do love you, though we just met but an hour ago.” Eregnov said, now in a soft voice. “Do you now have the same feelings for me as you did?” He asked. “No!” Said Galadriel quickly and sternly. Eregnov hung his head and sighed out of despair. “I feel more for you than I did. I feel love for you also.” She added, seeing his despair. “That makes me feel a lot better and more at ease.”. " Do whatever you want to me but please leave my sister alone." the older one shouted. "What do you mean ?" I asked" I mean please don't rape my sister!" She replied."Why would i do that" I said as i chuckled."The man on the ground that got eaten wanted to rape us!" She exclaimed."Why would he do that, you two are like one of the past survivors left!"I said"He said we were hot chicks and wanted to have sex with us but we didn't want to so he tied us up" she said still having tears dripping.
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