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It was somewhat shocking to her to have him roughly yank down her trousers in the rear and force her cheeks wide open like a butcher looking for a tender chop."Get your hands up on top of your head, boy. I always check inside as well to make certain there are no surprises."Grace was disgusted at the thought of giving up the secrets of her rear door passageway but knew she had no chance of dissuading the fellow from his controlling intent. She bent forward to allow him more access and shuddered. Grace'smatched her dress.Grace pulled me to her and kissed me gently. "You look pretty baby. Thankyou. This really is the best weekend of my life," she said, causing me tomelt into her arms."I'm glad Grace. I'm glad."As we were leaving, her phone rang. Grace answered, "Hello!" Oh! Hi Mandy!" Yeah. We're heading out to get some fresh air and something to eat." Sure," she continued her side of the conversation. "We'd love for you to. We'll meet you at Clyde's on Wisconsin in thirty. ”“Only if I cum inside you, I’ll pull out in time, promise.”“Come? What are you talking about.”“No not that come, cum c-u-m that’s what’s it’s called when I squirt.”“Squirt what?”“Are you dense? Cum, sperm the stuff that gets you pregnant! But I won’t do it inside you”“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I can feel your thing between my legs, it’s too big, it might hurt me if you put inside me.”“No it’s not that big, it’s supposed to fit inside a girl.”“Maybe but I’m too young, an older girl but. Then, with a harsh shout, the man came, his body jolting and shuddering. The sudden pulse that preceded the surge of hot liquid was more than the woman could bear. Her muscles bore down on the gushing cock, the tremor of her orgasm rippling up and down until the sensations sent the man screaming again his climax. The man’s body was humming from head to toe from pure fulfillment, a little jolt spiking through his body as aftershocks ran through the woman and into him. Feeling just a little.
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