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I put my hand in your lap and feel your erection forming. You look over to me and smile you know my intentions. I unzip your pants and let you out I go down to your groin and put you in my mouth, you let out a moan as I suck your now hard cock. I pull you out of my mouth and work you with my hand as I look up from your lap and you look down to me with a grin. I see you are ok and the car is going fast. I hear a horn blow and look up at you as you wave at the truck that rolls bye. I sit up and. Sure enough, Philip was getting the kind of show I had watched earlier. After we came together, she kissed me and went back to her bed with the resurrected Philip in tow. I went back to work but could still hear the sex noises for the next hour. Philip was making up for lost time.We progressed to threesomes on special occasions but mostly Vicki liked one-on-one with her two loves. Philip was able to get away for a week’s vacation and we went to the ocean where I knew about an adult nudist. .ohhhhh" then i finger fucked them hard. both of them started shaking and yelled " i want to cum so badddd. ohhhh i am cumming. i am cumming. ohhhhhhhhh " Gayani started to cum first. i licked her and her juice was so sweet. i wanted to taste Deepikas juice. i have drank Gayanis' juice before. so i left Gayanis' pussy and started to lick Deepikas' pussy but i finger fucked Gayani. Deepiks was already cummed but there were lot to come. i started sucking her pussy. she she held my head and pushed. You smile and wink to me to come closer, as you thrust three fingers deep into her pussy, well aware i could see everything, you spin her around as she gasps at the pleasure youre giving her, you wink and encourage me to play with her taught excited nipples, as your pace quickened with your fingers, i reach around and start to feel her soft ripe breasts , with those buttons standing proud, having stripped from my trunks, i press into her back so she can feel two cocks rubbing at her body, from.
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