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?I don?t actually need to anywhere for tonight Florence but we just met.I don?t want to be any trouble.?"You are no trouble James," she turned and said goodnight.As I undressed for sleep I realized that the familiarity of the househad allowed me some comfort. Rob?s passing was something I would haveconsidered with sadness a week or a month after his death but it wasover eleven months ago. There was no grief and I could move on.Scene SevenThe wine allowed me a restful night. I awoke without a. This was mostly limited to the shed, but even the shed was only sometimes available. Kids from seven to seventeen used it, as everything from a pretend time machine to a make-out spot to a convenient place to smoke weed.This time, the two eight-year-olds had the shed to themselves. There was no time to fetch Hustler and Penthouse and High Society, or the other Hustler, or two issues of Club, which the children had since “liberated” from neighborhood trash cans. These fascinating magazines would. Not only that but she had plucked my eyebrows andpencilled on eyebrows and applied foundation, eyeliner, mascara andlipstick.I looked down to see she had also manicured my nails and painted them."The test said that you were 80 per cent female. I have decided that I wantto sort out that other 20 per cent."I was furious but also shocked and confused so I said nothing. Whoah...Where had that come from? A little tent appeared in the slip and I had toadmit that despite a sense that there was. ” I said touching his arm.We came to a complete stop. Drell let his driver’s side window down.“Hello, I’m Sergeant Hawkins with the State Patrol, can I see your license please?”Drell handed it over. The trooper looked down at it, using his flashlight to the read the information.“Mr. Dawgly, the reason I stopped you is because I caught you on radar going 110, in a 65” he began.“I…. I am so sorry trooper”The trooper bent down to get a better look into the car.“Any reason as to why you were going.
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