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“There, mine,” he proclaimed. “You will be naked, except for this collar, when you are in this house, at all times,” he told her. “Is that clear?” he continued.“Yes, Sir,” she said strongly, her pussy beginning to run.“When you are outside coming into the house, you will strip at the door, entering the house nude, clear?” He asked. “Your body will be available to me at all times, this collar is a reminder I own you, understood?” he pressed.“Yes, Daddy, I understand,” Bri replied.“Good,” Matt. There was nothing gay about it ... he was straight as could be ... it was just a father’s love for his son and vice versa.“What to call the new religion or church, though?” Stephanie asked me, and then answered her own query, “how about the Church of Earth and Man?”“That sounds good, at least for now. We can really emphasize a more ecological agenda as well as sexual freedom and peace and goodwill toward our fellow man, a reduction of the violence that we see today. We can push for a better. "Whois this and what the hell do you want?" Peter's face changed when he recognized the person on the other end. "Oh hey Brianna…" Peter who is it?" Lois asked as she walked into the kitchen.Peter covered the phone with his hand, "It's our niece."Lois smiledhappily, "Bri? Oh I haven't seenher since-" Lois please, I'm onthe phone." Peter said interrupting his wife. He thenwent back to his phone call, "Sowhat's upgirlie? How's it-"Peter stayed quiet while his niece cut him off. His smile turned. .. - I call Fransheska - she's the girl closest to my taste.And 5 seconds later I got her feminine, happy voice on the line. We agreed to meet half an hour later and she immediately texted me her address.So off I went - and of course the phone suddenly rings. It's Iris, but as a man of honor, I had to stick to my agreement with Fransheska.Next time, Iris Baby ...Thirty minutes later I am standing in front of the door when I call to report my arrival. Fransheska opens the door in a nice net.
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