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"Not bad... but you could use some improvements." Tim had his slave turn in a circle as he took not of her attributes. "First your breasts are far too small." Reaching out with his mind's extension he willed her breasts to grow. He felt the consensus attempting to restrain him and he casually brushed it aside. He stroked them with his mind and they grew. When they were sitting at a DD cup, he stopped."You also could lose a few pounds," she already was thin, but after the vampire's alteration. She was kissing him everywhere. Uncle was fondling her boobs and ass. Soon clothes came off and both were nude. Uncle stood on the bed and Mom understood the command given to her by her master. Like an obedient soldier, she jumped on the bed, went on her knees and started sucking his huge cock. Naveen pushed me aside to watch the action. I could hear uncle’s moans coming from the bedroom. Naveen had taken out his cock and was masteurbating. He saw me and whispered “tu bhi nikal le. Maza aa raha. The inn keeper glanced around and then whispered, "You're both paying guests, so I feel I should warn you. There were some men asking after you both." The girls looked worried and leaned closer to him. He continued whispering, "A short, slovenly man asked if I had seen an erm ... well endowed girl with long brown hair traveling by herself. I didn't lie to him, you are not traveling alone. A while after he left a pair of pointy eared devils asked it I had seen a beautiful red headed woman who. I took her hand again and made her hold it for a while and then she started shaking it I took her other hand and made her hold mine . Now my wife was holding 2 dicks one with each hand and lying sandwiched between us.Now I started kissing her right boob and he started kissing her left one. She was mourning with great pleasure..”ohh ah…. Wow…I love this”. After a while I asked him to go down and lick her pussy..He slowly progressed towards her love hole kissing her entire body and I was sucking.
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