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Paul's future isn't all that certain, because I have read where sometimes these children's life-span isn't all that long. I don't know what I will do if I lose him. Even worse, what if he outlives me? What happens to him then? This is why I try not to think about it too much."Ed's heart went out to this woman whose life looked so bleak. "Is there anything immediate that I can help you with?'"Oh no, I'm fine. Really. I don't often talk to anyone like this. I don't know why I have said as much as. . But I played along anyway"Sue: Would you like to see me with one of your friends? A couple of them? Or would you like to see me with strangers?Me: It doesn't matter whateverSue: I see... Looks like I should just do whatever I want since you don't know what you wantShe played with my balls with one hand and slid the other down between my legs and started playing with my assholeSue: I know how to spice things up for you, but you have to do exactly as I say! Ok?Me: Ill do whatever you want!Sue:. "Jason," she asked. I turned to look at her, and she said, "Do you ever touch yourself?" "No," I lied. "Really," Tina asked, smiling a little, and continuing with, "Katy said all guys touch themselves." "Not all guys," I said, probably not very convincingly, and feeling very awkward. My mother had once caught me wanking, and her reaction, along with the lecture she gave me, had made me very ashamed, even though I did it almost every day. I was kind of hoping Tina would change the subject. "You. I wondered what she would think about her boyfriend dipping his cock into April’s various orifices. Ryan obviously cared little for what those thoughts might be as he as he wasted no time in filling my girlfriend’s dripping wet pussy with his moderately sized cock. No sooner had April’s pussy been filled, than Will was forced to pull his dick of her gasping mouth. With his fingers still clutching her by the hair, his fist pumped furiously at his spit-covered cock, before shooting his long.
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