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They kissed and Jillian still held the camera at arm’s length filming them. When Troy extracted and sat back, she filmed her own pussy leaking the whiteness. We couldn’t hear them, but soon Troy went down on her to clean up the mess he’d made. The cellphone kept taking a video of the scene as she moved her arm around, even changing hands with the camera.Eventually, Jillian started to toy with Troy’s equipment again, and then took his dick in her mouth. He hardened up remarkably fast. Jillian. I stll did not give her the entire length of my cock. "What do you say about my cock sucking? Am I as good as you?" "Maybe" she replied, "mostly it was different." Her sexual energy had nearly reached it's peak when I said Let's get another big cum out of you shall we?. I then pushed my cock into her as hard as I could and she got this surprised look on her face and she just arched back and came like crazy. I could feel the muscles in her pussy miking my cock and I could feel the juice. Maybe that could come later. "Approach slave," I said, beckoning to her and noticing that she seemed pleased by being addressed that way. "Say what you have to." I have completed my report, Sir," Rachel said, putting the folder on the table. "Can I talk to you about it?" Yes, of course, slave. What is it?" I was concerned in case she had found the programme too close to her own experiences of rape."I'll explain about it in a moment but there's something else I have too say. I want to undergo. They both startedcomplaining that someone might see them through the window, I said I don?treally care just go do it before I whip both your asses. They still werehesitant to do what they were told so I grabbed slave Mary and pinned heragainst the exam table then got my belt off and started whacking her ass withit. I gave her about 10 good swats then told her to go kneel by the door whichshe did. I then ordered slave Linda to bend over the table she started tosaying please no don?t spank me.
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