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In just a few days, he had it planned to a "T". Sandra had a business meeting after hours at 6pm and would be delayed in getting home. Brad had learned from her paperwork that her hubby Frank got off work at 5:30 on Fridays. He could hardly wait for the work day to end today!Brad went to his office and Sandra stopped nearby to chat with a coworker. The two women spoke and Brad's eyes wandered over Sandra's outfit hugging her shapely body. At the company they encourage creative fashion tastes. ” Before Rob could say anything, Sophie sat back, took a deep breath, and ripped her tank top at the collar. Her tits tumbled out, swinging on her tiny frame, her nipples rock hard. Her pale cheeks turned bright red, and her heart pounded, but she stayed cool, biting her lip, blowing a quick kiss, and then ending the call before Rob could say anything.When the call was over, she practically gasped. That was intense, she thought. Why did I even do that?But, for the first time ever, she didn’t. Lorena pushed back, dragging his bent cock across her slippery snatch and feeling it sticky against her tummy. She kissed his corded throat and licked down it to his upper chest. Running her hands up and down his rib cage, playing with his nipples, she squirmed to his supine body. When she reached his little dark pink tit, she nipped it lightly, then sucked on it, delighted to feel his sudden lurch beneath her, knowing that she was thrilling him.Moving down farther, she licked a hot trail down. I see what their plan was now in moving to the bar stools. He pressed a little closer and her skirt slid farther up her thighs. Her legs were now parted enough for him to have one leg almost pressing almost against her pussy. I know she had to feel this yet she didn’t move or offer any resistance. She looked down and smiled. My cock jumped in my pants knowing that she was allowing him to approach her that way. Her head was nodding and she was smiling as the men continued making passes at her..
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