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Crimson filled Melanie’s cheeks, and she decided to move on to the last object in the box. There was a small cylindrical object that vaguely resembled a mascara tube. She delicately fingered it and gave it a twist, half expecting it to open. Instead, it sprung to life and began to furiously vibrate in her hands. The vibrator slipped from her shocked fingers and dumped into her lap, falling squarely onto her sweet little button. The shock and intensity flooded her immediately as the toy danced. Placing it inside a cover labeled simply "Karen" and then hid it beneath one or two other movies. There was only one place that I knew Darrel would certainly enjoy watching his movies from as he had already proven by doing, and that was in the den on his new giant-sized flat screen TV. I had already prepared well ahead of time, once again hiding my own video cameras safely within the room, the remote operational clear down inside my own bedroom where I could safely monitor everything he did,. I opened the door after a long exhale, “Hey Tanya, come in.” I said. She smiled as she looked me up and down. I wore shorts and a tee shirt on my slight frame. My dark hair was long around my shoulders and I was barefooted showing off my purple toenails. Tania on the other hand was slightly taller than me with long Blonde hair and those perky tits where swathed in a tight Snoopy tee shirt. She wore short shorts with flip flops and had to be at least forty though she had no makeup on. I guess. Maybe Emily would understand. Maybe she'd even want to go with him... "Dude you're being fucking weird today... Hey, by the way, I need to grab my book for economics you borrowed from me. I think I left some of my notes in it," Chris said, and walked quickly back to Jake's room. "Wait!" Jake called. Emily, overhearing what just happened, panicked and looked around for a place to hide, but came up with nothing. A moment later, Chris opened the door to see Emily standing there, completely naked..
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