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Molly raised her ass even higher giving the mutts an open invitation into her heated loins. Her once tight lace panties were now easily pushed to the side as the stiff tongues made their way even deeper into her used, open holes. The small shapely blonde spread her knees further apart as the heat rose from her pussy and asshole. The rough tongues drove even deeper into her small frame, actually massaging her abused flesh with their saliva.The heated girl began to shake as the unnatural act. ”Missy turned out to be the brunette I had seen on stage with the other woman. She appeared in a silk robe, her breasts almost spilling out of it. She had a huge smile and a wonderful scent about her that made my heart beat so fast. She was the type of woman I would love to have for my first time.On the way to the dressing room, she told me she danced by the name of Missy D, which wasn't her real name, and asked me my stage name.“Alexandra,” I shrugged.“Oh, no, that won't do,” she said, shaking. I thought I looked pretty hot!I was talking and joking with a few of my friends and making some new ones. Some were smoking and drinking , a few had found the hot tub but I stayed I the house.I had like 3 beers when I met up with this really cute guy. The music was loud and we started dancing really sexually. Rubbing and grinding aroused me and made him hard. I was exploring him and his hands were all over me. By the time I had finished my 6th beer I was so horny! He was rubbing me through my. "So are you going tokeep taking the Pill, or is that too much like choosing to be female?" I dunno how long I'll keep taking it, but right now I like what itdoes for me. And I really want to do next year's shows, so if I cankeep my voice it would be great." Well, I can't get my prescription renewed without a checkup, so let meknow what you wanna do. You'll run out in November, right?" Uh, actually I'm going to run out in August. I've been taking it everyday since January, 'cause I didn't want.
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