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M. we called Marcy, Nate’s girlfriend. Nate explained that a friend was going to pay for her to fly to Anthony, pay for taxis, and put them up in a hotel. Evidently her mother had told her not to turn down a gift, so she agreed. I booked her a round trip ticket on Delta (of course it was Delta, we were in the South). I called the sedan service and arranged for airport rides, then booked the honeymoon suite at the local Sheraton. Nate actually came over and kissed me. Mike and Sylvia returned. You're both much to caring to do anything cruel or mean and I want you to know that I trust both of you with all my heart." Thanks mom," Clarity said hugging her mother. "It isn't anything bad, honest. I just can't tell you right now ... it just wouldn't come out right." I know, so don't go working yourself up into a fret honey. I told you, I trust you completely." Mary assured her daughter and then she said, "So, what's on the agenda for today?" I thought we'd try and call your mortgage. I went there yesterday to get a dog. OMG! The place was huge and they had so many pretty doggies! I told them I wanted a ‘big’ dog, and the nice man helped me pick out a huge Shepherd/St. Bernard mix, which was ‘exceptionally trained’, he said. His name was ‘Hammer’. The dog loved me! He licked my face and hands, and even tried shove his nose up my skirt! The dog’s little, red wiener stuck out of his sheath, and I giggled and pointed out that it looks like my lipstick, when I twist it out of. .Monday morning arrived and I awoke without aid of my alarm clock. It was7:00 AM. I ran downstairs and started a pot of coffee then ran backupstairs to shower. I carefully shampooed my hair using the new shampoorecommended by the stylist. Shaving my legs and pits had become a dailyroutine. Fifteen minutes later I sat at the kitchen table with a cup ofblack coffee and a cigarette. I tried to forgo the nicotine but theallure was just too strong. Shandy scratched at the back door to come inand I.
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