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I had no idea what he was talkingabout."It helps me last longer," he said simply. "I'm going to be balls-deepin your ass so much before I cum that I'm going to leave a permanentimprint. The inside of your ass is gonna be shaped like my dick!" Ohhhhh, yes," was my reply. "Fill me up and use me as your fuck toy.Give me so much dick I can't live without it. Make me your sissy slut."He continued hammering away at my ass. Sometimes he used short, faststrokes. Sometimes he pulled all the way. “I think we can accommodate your friend’s request.” He laughed, “Oh, yes. We’ll find many ways to tease your friend.”Amber liked Roger’s reply, and her diabolical mind started to think about the many ploys she could use on Mike. She said, “How would you like to start right now with a few photographs?” She reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out her cell phone. She observed with a laugh, “A picture showing we’re off to a good start on our trip in your plane wouldn’t be out of place –. The nurse brought in a needle already full of someliquid and gave him two shots in the rump. It seemed to Ricky that ittook forever for the fluid to be injected and Judi told him to be sureto come in Saturday morning, and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of nextweek for the same shots. Judi told Ricky that when he came in from nowon, her nurse, Rachel would give him the shots, so just tell thereceptionist he needed to see Rachel and he would not have to wait. Shealso told him she would give him. I was taken aback by this, not so much having sex with a resident, have done that before, but being blackmailed. I really didn't have much choice, and agreed. After I agreed, he said as long as I was his to use, he would keep our secrete. He than said to meet him in his call room in 20 minutes so he could try me out. I went back to the nurses station and let my coworker know I was going to take my lunch break and would be back soon. I went around to his call room and knocked on the door,.
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