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Iflushed the toilet as I stood up, and Lora moved tothe shower and turned the water on.To this day, I can still remember how quiet wewere, standing naked together, waiting for the waterto reach the right temperature. Lora looked at me andI felt an overwhelming lust for her, wanting her sobadly. I moved to her and hugged her naked body tomine, rubbing her back, then her naked ass. We bothseemed to take a deep breath, then started kissing.To be honest, my whole body felt like it was on fireat. Deep and rough.the finger penetrating me slowly roughly.. sliding around deeply into my vagina. Pinching.pinching. Penetrating me deeper and deeper..caressing my vagina hard.fingers circled my wall. Pulling her finger deeper deeper inside my wall. Pulling.hard. Rolling rolling..rougher and rougher. My vagina tore. As she kneeled me slowly with fingers. Pulling in and out. Penetrating deeper deeper.isuckling me deeply on my vagina. Suckling deeply.deeply. vagina. Eating me out slow.. She was hungry for their cocks and I found it difficult now to believe that the situations she has always got herself into had always been lead by the men. To me, laying there like that waiting to be taken made me realise that maybe all along she was just a slut who craved the next cock. I was certainly going to need to carefully discuss this with her as soon as she had finished off these two young men. Daniel stepped forward, he moved forward onto the bed and after a few strokes of his cock,. After awhile they leave. They don’t come back. I drink my drink. I like them rough, I want to taste the sharp, mind-numbing tang of the alcohol, feel the burn as it slides down my throat and into my belly. I prefer the dark liquors, the oak and smoke of whiskey, the exotic, desert wind taste of tequila. I’ve got three or four drinks in me by now and my buzz is starting to edge over into drunkenness. I feel looser now, less anxious about my surroundings. The feeling of being hemmed in by.
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