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So we met at Birds Valley. I asked her the reason to be on the app. She said she had a breakup and was just trying it. She asked the same about me.I told her I am here for friends but if the other person is ready I wont mind some fun too. She giggled. I understood that she can be ready just have to ask her nicely. I asked her can we meet on Monday at my friend’s place. After a lot of thinking she agreed.I was all excited for the next day as was she. We met at 11 am in Dange Chowk. I had asked. Maybe not.Sasha was working away at the kitchen counter as I descended the staircase. Like me she'd put on sweats and a loose Tee, her hair neatly brushed back into a ponytail, her feet bare. She glanced up at me, let loose with a blindingly bright smile, and announced we were having blueberry waffles for breakfast.The aroma of fresh brewed coffee tried to distract me and failed. Soft pink sweatpants draped suggestively on my daughter and outlined a sumptuous little ass that cried out for a. " I wish, Mom. I guess there's just not much to tell. I go, I'm there, and I come home." I understand." But if anything big happens, you'll be the first to know, Mom." Thanks Honey. I feel better now."We smiled at each other and I went on about my business. Everything seemed normal. I was glad.I didn't think much more about my conversation with Mary Ann until bedtime that night. By then, not only was I past feeling guilty, but the truth is that I was turned on. At that point it wasn't because. Kim and Sally went outside to wait for their brothers.Sally asked Kim, "What do you think of the first day?" I think it will be OK. It sure is different from our old school."Jack and Tom walked up to the girls.Jack said, "Well what do you guy's think?"Kim looked at her brother and said, "Sally and I were just talking about it. I guess it will be OK. The kids here seem stuck up."Jack and Tom nodded, and started to walk to the cars.Jack said, "Tom, I will talk to you later. Kim and I have to get.
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