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Mom just smiled, rather hopefully, and said, "Pam? Would you, just this once, wear your green dress too? For me?"Geeze! How could I tell her no? After last night? Oh shit!"Mom " I huffed. Maybe she'd just drop it without an argument."Please Pam? It would really make me happy. I know you're not my little girl any more. But just this once?"Oh, Mommy! I swear I got all choked again. I was afraid I was going to start bawling right then, with her watching. Instead I turned my back and. I could see their tongues lashing about. Then Peter tuned to me and forced his tongue into my mouth while Paul kissed on my neck. Then they traded and I was now kissing Paul. The both moved to where the both were kissing me and I them. It was awesome to have three tongues fighting for attention.But then they started moving down my neck to my arm pits which the gave a thorough tongue bath. As the were doing this the lifted my tank top off and threw it across the room. Their hand were pulling my. The next morning my dad had already left for work and it was just us two in the house. She was wearing yoga pants again, and was fixing herself some breakfast. When she bent over to grab a pan to fix some eggs I decided to take a picture, but when I took it the shudder noise went off but she didn't move! She got the pan and fixed her eggs , but surely she heard the noise! She sat down at the kitchen table and ate her eggs like nothing happened,all the while I'm sweating bullets because the. HR extension is triple five," she turned andleft me in the capable hands of Kate McCarthy.The rest of the day was mostly about meeting the entire Financedepartment, many of whom I already knew, but of course had to pretend Ididn't, and getting me setup with all the accoutrements of the job,like phone and computer. The guy from IT who was sent up to set up mycomputer was the funniest. "We throw dice to see who gets to come uphere," he confided in me. I could see why as the admin area was.
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