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Oh, master I offer you my body, let me be your fucking and sucking slave. You should be pleased master; I just came again, really hard. I see you are cumming master, may I clean you up, my master. It will be my job to lick up all your cum, and I will love it. I am your slave and will take care of your cock, anytime, anywhere. My body is yours for the taking, and to please you whenever you want it. All of my body is yours, every orifice. And I will take care of every inch of your body, and I. And I just don’t want to lose my finger. It’s not done me any harm. In fact, I’m quite fond of it.’ She held up her hand and flexed her third finger with a sigh. When the others returned, they seemed flushed with exertion and sweat, often with traces of blood rising from welts on their back and buttocks, and sometimes witha small trickle of blood down their thighs. Sacrifice’s slave seemed to be especially badly treated, sometimes smelling of piss, and frequently with cuts on his face and with. The guy was flirting with me without saying it, but he was watching me, smiling and showing all signs of interest in me, I tried my best to loosen up a little, smile back at him and I tried making a show for him under the table to the best I could, flashing some of my assets to the best I could, I managed to unbutton a couple of buttons of my shirt without being noticed or seen, showing part of my cleavage, but I was wearing a bra under my shirt, I was also wearing some panties under my skirt. "Shhh Sir please keep still ! We're in a broom cupboard" whisperedPriscilla her sweet voice just inches from him, when they suddenly heardheavy footsteps approaching."Ummm m'dear" whispered Montie his senses now so overwhelmed by hernearness that he was hardly able to breathe "I do most frightfullyapologise at putting you in yet another difficult and compromisingposition. I really don't know what to say or do other than to offer mysincere apologies", wishing desperately that he could take her.
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