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We have always taken our bdsm play quiteseriously and she even pierced my nipples at our engagement party. Thereweren't any piercing parlors back then (1982) so you had to do ityourself.Anyway, in 2004 she got me a beautiful sissy tattoo of a beautiful fairywith roses and flowers and her name in a banner as an anniversarypresent. It sits just below my bellybutton and extends down just abovemy sissy cock.She had it specially drawn for us and chose it because she said it willact as a chastity. She looked at Ranma with deep eyes, like she was looking throughher"Tell me how much you like my muscles baby" I fucking love those ... your muscles seem planet size. I want to worship youand take over the world. I want to be by your side" Ranma Said"Kiss my Abs ... right up to where the V is...lick my sweat" Nabiki SaidHer sweat was filled with pheromones. It was like taking ecstasy. She waslicking up and down feeling her abs and kissing it. Nabiki smiled flexing herarms and looking down at. ” The truth was that Eric wasn’t particularly afraid that Diane wouldn’t marry him. She had said she would, and had told Sparky that she would. Diane was a woman who kept her word. On the other hand, he was much more worried that she would find that she couldn’t stand being married to him. He’d seen one divorce as a child, and he didn’t want to experience one for himself. Diane kept her word, but he didn’t think she’d stick to a marriage she couldn’t stand. His task, then, was to make it one. No, he would just be devastated and sulk about it. Hey, I have just had a naughty thought. I wonder if Terry would let me measure his cock. That has made me really chuckle. Another thought has just occurred to me. I could measure Tom’s dick as well. That would be funny. “Come here Tom sweetie; let me measure your cock.” Oh Dear, I will have to stop writing for a minute until I stop giggling and compose myself. Right! It is not going to be easy to tell him - no I can’t, can I? I have had sex.
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