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I will definitely have fun with you..." The symbiote said menacingly, it's body beginning to enclose Teddy once again."No! No! Noooooooo!" Teddy said in vain, as he became one with the symbiote.Waking up the next morning, Teddy was startled to find that he had ended up sleeping on his couch. Rubbing his head, the hero sat up to look around for either any signs that his fiance was near, or to see if last night had been a nightmare."Our bonding was no nightmare, young Theodore." A disembodied. “You run with the babe on a regular basis, and now you want to bed her that way, too,” she said.“If I wanted anything else I’d be crazy,” he said, happily.“Men,” she snorted. “You’re all horndogs.”“Mother Nature made us that way,” he said, as if that should absolve him from any responsibility.His comment, though, brought something else to her mind.“Crap!” she said. “Did you cum in me last night?”Finally, he looked something other than carefree and happy.“Um ... yeah,” he said, as if that, too. Latisha laid a full enema kit and a small rubber douche on the table.?You?re gonna have to get used to using these." She pointed at theobjects that Michelle couldn?t bring herself to look at.?Look honey; anal sex can either be very painful or very pleasurable,it?s up to you. The likelihood of you having to fuck this guy is highso you might as well hear what I have to say," Latisha said.?You make sure you are clean and always carry lube." She pointed tothe tube of KY jelly.?When you think. The she asked me,” You ready for another round of mommy’s cock in your little boy pussy?” I was so excited I didn’t even say anything, I just jumped on the bed and sucked her strap-on and finger fucked her pussy. Then I positioned myself over her big strap-on, lubed up my asshole, and started riding her as hard as I could. I worked my way down it and before long I had it all the way up my wet ass. Each time I came up she came down, then when I came down she came up meeting my ass, and each time.
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