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You lick your lips, we both know how immobility can serve as an aphrodisiac to me. You reach up to the ceiling and pull on the chain. I see a smallish hook on the end and look down to watch you pull on the nipple clamp chain. You attach it, then walk to wall and turn the crank to pull it back up. You go slow and hear me moan, then grunt; when I scream you finally stop. If the clamp wasn’t so tight you think it would pop off. You place a large hand between my tits as I cry out. No tears yet, but. "She took the phone and said, "Hi, Grandpa. This is Candy Thomas speaking."Mom and I grinned at her memorized greeting, but as I listened to Candy's side of the conversation, my grin went away and tears stung my eyes. Candy reminded me so much of my little daughter.Piper I love you and miss you, I said silently.My mother misunderstood the source of my tears. She squeezed my hand and said, "Sue will be all right."When Henry Johnson finished talking with his granddaughter, Candy returned my. I ended by asking him if he masturbated. He absolutely refused to answer me, so I told him if he did, then not to, for three days prior to my visit, and if he didn't do it , then carry on .. not doing it until I got there. Leave that cock alone, let ME deal with it.Realising he would probably be most comfortable in his own familiar surroundings, I arranged to visit him at home, when he had the house to himself. I just told him to get eveything squeaky clean."YES, MA'AM!" he laughedI am. Cowboy was lying on the bed, feet pointed at me. He was wearing his ten-gallon hat and his boots with spurs, but that was all, so at least the part of the legend of the chaps was false. The blonde was sitting astride his pelvis, with her tits also pointed at me. I therefore couldn’t check out the legend of the biggest dong in Thailand, at least for the moment, because the blonde was sitting on it.She looked vaguely familiar to me, and it slowly dawned on me that she was the wife of one of the.
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