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“I’m going to have your baby?” The woman asked quietly, her voice barely more than a whisper.“Yes,” Calix said gently, kissing at her tears.“Oh, Papi,” Sophia said softly. “I am so happy, my Calix.”They sat that way for a while, whispering to each other, sharing their love. The words they said didn’t matter and, in truth, there was little they said which weren’t endearments. They were just sharing time, sharing space, sharing their love for one another.Calix knew it could not last, but he. She was so charged that she did not realize that she was about do perform what she had vowed never to do. She gazed in wonderment at the sight she had never seen before. A small voice within her told her that this was how she looked to George. It must be good, the inner voice continued, he likes it, and so does my husband. She bent down and blew a small kiss onto Samantha's waiting pussy. Her hands slid down Samantha's inner thighs to land at the pussy's lips. She pilled them apart before she. She laughed, “Relax dude this cock is for Ellen not you.” He chuckled, although he was glad that she had cleared that up right away. They all moved to the bedroom. While wearing the strap on Michelle was very much the top or Dom, Ellen the submissive. Michelle ordered Elle to get on the bed to be taken from behind, “You take you her mouth,” she commanded Mike. Ellen was on all four as ordered, “Anything you say,” he kneeled on the bed by her face and shoved his cock into Ellen’s mouth. . Now she was all naked, and after he took some time to appreciate her physical beauty, he turned her around and held her for a minute. Then he started taking his clothes off, not wanting her to see him naked yet. He knew this was about her and not about him. Now fully naked, he asked Tessa to get on the bed as he followed her gently. Easing her nervous energy, he started playing with her hair and kissing her shoulders and neck. It worked. Tessa was now relaxed and sure that this was what she.
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