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We obliged as she turned over and layed on her back as the three of us began wanking harder and harder, the young man cum first he showered her tits with spurts of creamy liquid, she fucking loved it, both myself and the dark-skinned guy continued masturbating … I couldn’t wait any longer and cried out ‘Fuck it, I’m cumming!’ … I nudged my cock towards her open mouth and I shot my load over her face and lips … she sucked on it too, draining the last drop out of my cock, the dark-skinned guy. When they were done using me Salice bent down to my ear. “Make sure that Agent Falcon knows this was us and also if you even think about testify against me…well let your thoughts ran wild.” I closed my eyes and waited until I heard them leave. They had untied my hands as they did and I crawled over to my crutches then got dress. I walked outside and got into the back of one of the cop cars. “My god Becky what the hell happened?” One of the cop cars asked as he looked at me. “Just take me to the. If she was the beta of pack, these were probably also her offspring. Bo was moving to each of the adults and making the greeting with each as I had done with the mother. He lowered his head toward the pups and the first one reached out with a paw and touched him. Bo nuzzled him to the ground, which brought the other one, sensing a playful moment that was normally rare among the adults. I smiled and laughed, which brought attention from the mother. I had seen this behavior from Bo before. They were closing the distance to Circe rapidly, but also getting closer to the coastline. Thomas could see the rocky hills rising out of the sea, with only a few sandy coves. Llançá could be seen over their larboard bow, a small coastal town perched on the rocky coast. Blue smoke was rising from a point along the coast. Probably a heating oven, Thomas thought. If it was still blue smoke they were just starting the fire he knew, and they would never get their shot heated in time.They were now.
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