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The place was grim to say the least. Edwards was taken one way i was taken to a very large stone floored room. the whole place was stone floored with big thick studded wooden doors. I n the room i was taken too were some battered wooden chairs. I remember the police woman gripping my arm and more or less putting me in a chair then sitting in the one next to it with her arms folded. Then much to my surprise Jenny Penny and the other woman came and occupied a couple of chairs, leaving a couple of. "Betty, when I say I want to offer Curt, first, both of us find you incredibly sexy. Second, I've heard various things about you liking to dominate. Several people have mentioned that you've suggested tying men up so they can only focus on sex. You didn't sound all that interested in humiliating them or doing severe pain."Curt does not, in the slightest, want to be seriously dominated. In fact, being bound scares him. The two of us thought, though, that if I were present, he'd feel safe with a. Rick had always been shy and had found it difficult to meet girls.Talking to them invariably turned him into a mumbling mess and he hadnever even had a steady girlfriend. He was an archetypal nerd; hisfavourite TV shows were The Big Bang Theory and the IT Crowd, and hespent hours in front of his beloved Mac hacking into various websites.He was an avid game player, spending hours on World of Warcraft. In theabsence of a real sex life, the internet also gave him his sexualrelease, and like. He was almost equal to my husband’s in height. Lean physique, dark complexion with a bit long beard. He was looking a bit somewhat like a vegetable vendor or something. I smiled at him and my husband introduced me to him.My husband initially didn’t tell me from where he got this massager, but then there he told that he works in a garage and gives massage too. He was staring at me all the time.About me, I am 5:7 in height, healthy built not fat but not thin either no tummy. Fair complexion and.
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