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.. do what you are told. Now guide that beautiful cock toward my lips..... Then just put it against them, don’t push it in yet. I want you to enjoy the whole thing.” He did what he was told and I was holding myself up on my elbows and watching him. “Okay, now gently push the head of it into me, no further than that, and then hold it there.” I could see him looking down at his cock about to begin to enjoy the sensation of his first fuck. “Oh shit Sis this feels great.” “I can feel it too..... “Stag night,” Ben smiled warmly, “my stupid mates thought it was funny.” The girl’s expression changed immediately. “Sorry I didn’t unlock you earlier,” she smiled, secretly excited that she’d been the one to keep this good looking guy captive, “or maybe I should have kept you locked up a little longer.” “No, that was plenty.” “Oh well, anytime.” she called after him as she watched him go. Ben ordered two coffees, both for himself, at the station cafe and drank them as he walked back to his. .. no, no, this was ... Fuck this. He stuck out his tongue. He was no saint. Aron playfully sparred him with his own, and their kiss turned a bit dirty. The good kind of dirty. For who knew how long, they took jabs at each other with their tongues, chasing one another, Aron, the fucker, at an advantage as he kept Carter pinned against the door, with his arms up, and using his strong thighs to push against the other, and making their bodies rub like in an languorous, yet rough dance.This was. "Who made the first move? When you surprised her, I mean." Oh! Well, one lady, her name is ... was ... Trish," Jake began to explain. "I caught her in her hot tub without anything on. You know, the company sends out notices with the bill saying what day I'll be there, and she was naked in her backyard three months in a row. I kind've took that as a sign, you know?" Yes," Béla grinned, wanting to hear more."So..." Jake continued, hesitantly. "We, um ... did it. In her hot tub." Did she like it?".
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