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I just overheard the conversation between my Wife India and her best friend Natasha. The simple conclusion of the call was that my wife was going to ask me for a trial separation to jolt me out of my taken-for-granted attitude towards her. The plan was for me to stay alone at the house so as to understand how much work it entrails and for her to move into a motel nearby. The plan was despicable and I was enraged.The taken-for-granted attitude of mine was nothing but extreme fatigue from working. I should have stayed and listened to you, then this terrible thing wouldn't have happened, and I would still be with the man I love, and will always love. I understand that my actions will have destroyed any chance for me irremediably. I accept that, but I had to tell you the truth, so that hopefully you will be able to put this behind you and find another woman to love and share your life. Whoever she is she will be a lucky woman.Tim, I never stopped loving you even through my imagined hurt,. "I nodded, I understood. Then Lena did something unusual. She stood up walking around behind my chair and messaged my shoulders. I could feel how knotted my muscles had become from the constant tension. "Believe it or not, I understand more about how you feel than you may think. As crazy as it may seem, I was born of circumstances not far from this." My face screwed up with puzzlement, but she was not answering questions now. She continued to work the knots in my shoulders. "Listen, one of my. He didnt have much left to give, but it tasted like sweet nectar – nothing like my husbands stale, salty semen. I knew then, I would need more. I was still trying to suck the last drop out, and already looking forward to doing this again, when his balls were full………. I spent the next three days in a fog, trying to hold on to the memories of that day: How moms pussy smelled and tasted, How it felt to have my pecker inside moms mouth. The feel of moms breasts. Mom gave me a little smile, whenever.
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