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He just shook his head. I released her hair and told her to get to her feet and go over to her hubby. She naturally did as I told her. As she approached him he could not believe how she looked... I saw it in his face."Too bad that you never took advantage of all of her passion" I said calmly. "Your wife, My slut, is a very passionate woman and the only reason that I am fucking her now is because you never treated her well."He just stood there with nothing to say, so I pressed on."Undress your. I thought maybe you'd feel me through my blouse and feel me up, God jack you can do anything you want with me, I am your little whore now" Lessie whispered with passion in my ear and crushed herself to me and pressed her tit into my palm as she kissed me with an open mouth kiss of lust.I sat on the edge of the sofa and undid my jeans and ripped them and my jockey shorts down and pushed back and m pants and underwear fell to my feet. My nearly naked sister had her legs around and was only. It had been used during the Second World War to extract information from female spies, but some of them had died from its excessive use. The Emir intended to use it as a standard means of execution, instead of strangling. Once he was sure it would work it would be used in front of some of the more rebellious women and then they would fall in line.At about five feet from the ground in the centre of one wall he had a ring bolt firmly inserted in the wall. It was tested as being able to bear a one. He and Auntie Ollie was gittin older but “weren’t daid yet”, as he put it. They scrabbled out a livin way back in the hills where generations of ancestors had done the same thing. These visits were special tho.Cletus asked, “Hope yew is horny lahk ma sister says yew bin lately. Yer auntie has bin askin abut yew and Ah knows she be thinkin about thet treat yew got between yer legs.”Randy Joe wasn’t much of a talker, specially with a glass of shine in his fist, but he answered, “Ah gits a bunch.
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