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"Bobby merely looked at her lethargically, while Barbara asked, "What's wrong with Julie?" I don't know. She stopped coming to school after she visited Bobby at the hospital, and she just came back yesterday. She wouldn't talk to me about why she'd been gone, but I know she spent a lot of time in the office when she came back. I worry about that girl. But maybe she'll talk to the love of her life," she said with a wink at Bobby.Bobby snorted. "If she needs her love life screwed up, then I'm her. .. I don't have a 10-11 inch cock like all the other guys in stories you read, and every girl and/or woman doesn't throw panties at me when we pass one another, although I did have one girl show me her breasts last summer as I was loading the car for her. I told her I'd probably jack off to that sight later that day.. which I did.My story started a few weeks ago when a friend at the store kept noticing this "MILF" as he called her, and how hot he thought she was. I had to agree, she was. Our mouths soon made their way to the other's growing cock, and we spent considerable time giving one another slow, sensual oral pleasures. He rolled onto his back with his head on a pillow and I climbed up, straddled his shoulders on my knees, and fed him my throbbing, drooling shaft. I looked into his eyes as the engorged mushroom head of my phallus disappeared between his lips. He was very good, and soon had me at the edge. Not wanting me to cum just yet, he had me get on my knees with my. Oscar was a big fucker, and regularly truculent, for reasons I could certainly sympathize with. Next to Oscar, I was a polished diplomat. It took a special kind of woman - one in short supply - to appreciate his stellar qualities. And when you're walking around with full balls the size of navel oranges rubbing on each other between your legs... Okay, I'm exaggerating, a little, but YOU get the idea... "Vickie, this is my esteemed friend and neighbor, Oscar the Grouch. As you may have realized.
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