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Stacey has long ago stopped noticing too much about the "bosses" as in her world it is the receptionists and parking attendants that merit a courier's good graces and attention.He took the pad from her and signed it, smiling at her. "Would you mind waiting just a moment while I open this? If it is what I think it is, I should have a return package for you immediately." Of course, Sir" she replied. Most other companies wouldn't bother, but this kind of situation was even in her training examples. I put the old mat from your trunk on the floor and lay down on my back at the side of your car and deliberately made sure you would have to stand over me to pass me the tools and torch I asked for to check for damage. You knew what you were doing as you stood with your legs astride my head so I could clearly see up your skirt at your cunt and the damp patch that was now growing. I asked you to get on the floor next to me so I could show you the scratches on your car and when I got up and. I reached for a lever that was added for the purpose and slowly eased Bonnie’s head back a little. I looked into her lustful eyes, making sure she was ready. She licked her lips and opened wide, inviting me to slowly slide my cock into her mouth. She relaxed her throat to take me deeply. She had sucked me before this way, but not with so many distractions, and we wanted to be sure she could handle it.But this was Bonnie’s Impossible Dream: six at once.I glanced at the others. John was focused. The Ball starts at seven. Will you pick me up from home at six forty-five, say?’ I nodded. ‘I’ll be there.’ I grinned. ‘I’d better make sure my car is clean!’ ‘You do that!’ She squeezed my hand, gave me a radiant smile, and she was away, hurrying. I followed her towards the car park at a slower pace, a smile on my face, and a content within me. The car was clean, my shirt was new, and my tux still fitted me. I knocked on the door of the Allan residence at precisely six forty-five. Beth’s mom.
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