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W, asked and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the kitchen area. Before I could ask what he was up to, he had his raging hard cock pressed against my thigh and trned me around, my backside now feeling his stiff rod and him whispering how badly he wanted to fuck me in my ears as he licked and kissed the back of my neck. I inquired about his wife, MY FRIEND, and he told me to follow his lead. I sat in the laundry room about 2 minutes before he cam e and got me. We went back into the living. I squirmed inecstasy as John kissed my full breasts, sucking and biting my nipples.Before I knew it, I was straddling him and guiding his huge love iron intomy soft, round ass. I began undulating my hips in a sympathetic, sexyrhythm, building in intensity, as his cock grew even larger in my tinglingass. I was delirious with ecstasy as he moaned, pumping me deeply. I feltso sexy and vulnerable as he did so. His massive hands, gripped my tiny,feminine waist, and I arched back and screamed as he. ”“I said amazing, not great, and you do! And at least I didn't tell the world that you're a micro-dick, like she did to him, so you shouldn't be embarrassed." I'll do my best to take solace in that, my love." I can’t believe that you had your fingers in me the whole way up here.”“I have a thing for wet, slippery pussies, I just love the way it feels – yours in particular.”She reached out and seized my hard cock. “I know all about your thing for wet pussies; it's amazing, and big, and hard.. ’ Along with the male officer, we walked down a couple of hallways to an office furnished with a desk, a few chairs and a speaker phone. The other woman from the restaurant was already waiting for us. She closed the door, stood on her toes and kissed the man. With my lightning deductive ability I was able to immediately tell she was a cop too. The holstered automatic and the badge around her neck rather gave it away. ‘May I make one phone call please?’ They were already examining my CIA.
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