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It seemed like a moment had passed and suddenly Louise was sixteen and the babes were all three and four, all the girls were back to enjoying me whenever they could, I was bit concerned about the little ones knowing what all the girls were doing with me (and said so), but my concerns were put aside. The girls stated that this was who we were, the girls would understand in time, I was not so sure, just before Louise turned seventeen, she burst into my room one morning with a smile from ear to. On this occasion, none was a newcomer and all knew what to expect. When such was not the case, Elizabeth could tell immediately by the way they would try but fail to look away — her great tangle of hair was that unique in this liberated yet too uniform time. After securing her locker, Elizabeth turned around and, head held high as always, strode toward the pool door. There were modesty cloaks available for women who did not wish to prance around the locker room or pool area stark naked, but. I called out 'trick or treat', a huge hand clamped across my face and pulled me into the room, the door slammed shut. I was held against the wall as I heard other students knock at the door and try the knob. I tried to struggle free, my captor was very strong and taller than I. He lifted me till my feet was no longer in contact with the floor. I heard the voice of Mr. Gabe, he's one of the schools four janitors, I thought that he would surely hear me and free me from who ever held me tight. I. .. may you live long and prosper!" The aforementioned venerable gentleman appeared rather startled at young Alaric's effusiveness, but smiled gently enough at the young lad. "Why, thank you, young man," he said. "We are here to serve." "Good!" said Alaric. "I'll take a cheeseburger and a coke." His parents and the good doctor tactfully ignored this audacious anachronism on the part of the author and, instead, explained to Alaric reason for the doctor's visit. "Oh!" said Alaric, when they were.
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