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We did of course fix the presentation that we used as ‘bait,’ and she was happy with the revised version. By Friday, Katie and I started to get antsy. We’d had so much fun with Colleen, we wanted to keep it going. Finally an opportunity presented itself as Katie and I sat together in the break room working over a late lunch. Colleen walked in grab bottled water and a snack. Katie and I both stared at Colleen’s slim form as she bent down to pull a bottle out of the communal fridge. That day, she. "I'll pick it up at noon," Linda said."Yes, Ma'am," Bryant replied. "Thank you for calling O'Bannon's Pub."The next twenty-five minutes saw Bryant taking numerous phone calls about lunch orders from the surrounding businesses."This is too much!" Rosa said. "We never get this many orders at once." I'll tell them we're backlogged," Bryant told the distraught woman. "They can wait or order somewhere else." Okay, Bryant," Rosa said.Linda Roberts did show up at noon but she wasn't alone. Steve. “So which one would you take first?” Lanae asked, surprising me and from the look on her face, her as well but then I felt her hand move up my thigh toward my shorts and my cock that was beginning to get hard. There was a singular moment in which everyone seemed to understand the shift in the conversation. Cathy broke the silence, “If she was smart, she’d pick Robert. He’s got a huge cock and can fuck like a banshee.” Robert chuckled a slightly embarrassed laugh. “While my sister may think. She responded to my twitching cock by clenching her vagina in time with the music. We didn't dare do anything too obvious for fear of attracting attention, and all our dance movements were inside her. Her tight, slippery love tube continued hugging and squeezing my cock in time with the music and was bringing me to the edge of orgasm. To distract myself and control myself, I concentrated on making my cock jerk inside her exactly to the beat of the music. The music stopped and I remember we.
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