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David was spending several days in the “Big D,” that’s Dallas for those of you who aren’t familiar with how us Texans lovingly refer to that city, on some business affair. We were going to have four days and nights all to ourselves. It was our first chance to get away together so I decided to take Amber to one of my favorite getaway spots, Texas’ Bastrop State Park. We had known about David’s trip for a couple of weeks so I had plenty of time to reserve us a cabin right on the shore of my. Many years later, whilst on holiday I went to her hotel bedroom to find another boyfriend of her's answer the door, completely naked, she was in the shower, and he also had a boner, and I went inside, to the sound of music and the shower running.I was wearing a bikini, as her boyfriend, who as it turns out liked younger girls like me, started to show me how much I turned him on, and within minutes as she sang along with the song playing on the radio, I was bent over the mattress, being bareback. Might be people you & I know.Seem a: let’s just get this packed & go to my place. My kids are at my parents.We paid the bill & headed out. Right out of the parking area in her car (I had uber-ed) I gently brushed her breasts & gave a small kiss. She responded by parking the car on the side & we kissed for a full 5 minutes while I fondled her lovely firm big breasts (with nice nipples I’d find out later) she unzipped me & felt my cock over my underwear. After the kissing, we came to our sensesWe. . as she felt her body quiver from his mouth ... as he thrust the tip of it inside her and rubbing the edge of it against her clit. She arched her body and then she felt the rush of elation fill her as she lifted her pelvis against his mouth and the spasms that made her feel so good ... she closed her eyes savoring it.GLENNShe came so quickly under my tongue. But then I remembered how hot she'd been last night and I knew then I'd be back.I should have left with Carlton, slipped back under the.
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