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She opened the door and we both entered. She took me into an adjoining room, which was completely dark. The walls were painted black as well. All of a sudden, before I could say anything, she pulled out a roll of duct tape and began to wrap it around my head and mouth preventing any speech from me. I tried to struggle but with my hands behind me I didn't have much of a chance. She then took out a small cloth and soaked it with a liquid after which she put it over my face.I passed out. The. “I was okay with all of it, but here is this one thing bothering me since morning, Do you really piss him Hemangini?” Prakhar had a curious look in his eyes.“Yes twice on mandates and raises at times,” I said.“Ughh, could I have a drink? A more filtered one I reckon, not a pale distilled!” He smirked a bit saying that. I got into a laughter before Tushar arrived before us. He had his eyes rolling on my babydoll which has been used often in the past for our sexual activities.“Tushar, bring the. I wanted to do her doggy style this time and I was intent on enjoying our sexual liaison since I was basically in the driver's seat. I got Diana situated there beside the bed, and I told her to lean way over and brace herself on the bed. Then, I reached down to my pussy wettened dick, stroked myself 5 or 6 times to encourage my hardon to come to full erection again, and then I reached up between Diana's legs, sliding two fingers smoothly up into her wet horny pussy where I'd just spurted my cum. She wept again, not noisily but silently and forlornly. Then she became angry from frustration. For the first time since being a child she loved someone and could not show the full extent of her feelings. She thumped her pillow in fury. Finally, exhausted she fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.Steven stayed up. It was not late and he did not feel tired. He was relieved that Helen thought he had sufficient evidence for the police to go ahead and he was grateful for her support. She could.
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