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Judys gym shorts clad ass was sticking in the air with her back arched. I walked over and rubbed her ass and fingered her pussy a bit – the little slut wasnt even wearing panties. Delia was really starting to moan and I wanted to stick my dick in Judy and fuck her brains out, but I had just cum about 3 minutes ago and all I could do was grope her lustily. With her shorts still on, I kept fingering her pussy and then used the index finger of my other hand to finger her asshole. She pushed back a. The girls came out from the bathroom and Andrea said tha we're going to continue the party back to her place.We got home,I went to the restroom and when I got ou I saw Andrea sitting on the couch,having one girl kneeling naked before her and eating her pussy and the other one was rubbing her ass on Andrea's face.The one on top told me I should join and I didn't hesitate. I got naked and I got behind the one on the bottom and I started to eat her ass and pussy.She turned around and made lay on. Didn't know what was going on, but also didn't want to burst into Natalie and her boyfriend private time - so I thought. But to make sure it wasn't **** or something, I climbed onto the garage roof and saw you two. You were just doggy-fucking.” “Do me a favor, please. Do it for Natalie's sake and don't confront her. It's poison before graduation. She has to concentrate now and can't stand anger - as I said, she is of legal age and can actually decide for herself, but a bad mood is definitely. Tom wasn’t gone a minute before someone came over and offered to buy me a drink. It’s interesting how everyone always thinks a woman by herself is thirsty! I let him sit, he flirted, I flirted back. He excused himself to use the bathroom, and another guy came over and asked me to dance. Jeez, what was I supposed to do? If I said no, I’d be insulting and rejecting him, but if I said yes, I’d be hurting the one who just left. Fortunately, while I was pondering this, the first guy reappeared, and.
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