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“to say elves don't like Orcs you're pretty excited! Right now you're probably thinking I'm disgusting but soon I'll change your mind. I'm going to change your perception of us. Hehe, when I'm done with you-you'll be an orc lover. First things first I need to take care of you.”She walks up to me and quickly unzips my pants and takes out my huge cock. “whoa you're bigger than most elves! I'm impressed. I think I like elves a little more now.” she lightly start stroking me off and I started. Many years and a few long term relationships later, I fell for a wonderful woman and we were married. The sex was and still is great but not enough for my needs. Not wishing to cheat on her with other women, I started to have clandestine meetings with guys. I've sucked quite a few men off but never came across a cock as beautiful as my mates from all that time ago.When our c***dren had grown and we had our house to ourselves I started hinting to my wife that I'd like to share some sexual. The marriage was only a day away, and both of us couldn’t control our urges further.I texted to her to come to the bathroom and I would be waiting for her there. (This is the same bathroom where I had seen her naked through the peeping hole I made). The interior of the house was changed and the study area was now the kitchen. She hip-hopped into the Kitchen area and closed the door behind. Me too left the uncle’s room and closed the door. Now we both were in the kitchen and we met first time. John gentle held her head. Jeanne looked up at John with her green eyes and smiled. Although neither of them aimed for this to happen, it did, and neither of them regretted it. Jeanne took her time with his cock, slowly, stroking it with her tongue from the base to the tip. Admiring it and thinking how the tip of it reminded her of an old-fashioned fireman’s helmet. Perfect! She had not had a cock or any sex for a long time so this was a welcomed pleasure although it was out in the open in a.
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