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He was such a hottie, sucks he fell down the stairs and was hospitalized or I would’ve bounced his brains out!” She can’t help but giggle.“Oh my god Anna, you fucking little slut! Cougar has her claws out!” I spit out, barely able to contain my laughter.“Well fuck, I can’t help it, my kitty has a mind of her own” I see a smirk slowly forming on her face.She never shied away from a challenge. For a 36 year old divorced woman, with two kids, she is surprisingly young at heart. She loves new and. We had found some porn magazines under the bed on my fathers side and thought it would be funny to bring them down stairs to shom mandy our prize. when she saw them she blushed and snatched them from me saying it was very wrong to look at these things and we shouldnt tell our parents what we had found. my younger brother started crying and i comforted him, this made mandy sorry and she gave us both a big cuddle to say so. she pulled us close to her and i was sandwiched between those lovely soft. Soon her head was bobbing up and down while she was sucking, and my hips were moving up and down as well. I got to the stage that all men reach when they know that they are past the point of no return, and emptied my load into her willing mouth.As she looked up to let me know that she had swallowed it all I noticed a slight movement in the gap between the curtains on the "hedge side" of the caravan. I got up, moved to the curtains and looked out, in the darkness I could see the shape of a man. Vero had arrived home around six that night, and, as had become a custom, I took her out for a meal at our local restaurant. She was strangely quiet throughout the meal, although in answer to my questions, merely said it was nothing, she was just a bit tired. After we had eaten, we drove home, and Vero went for a bath. She always did that because, in the place she stayed all week, there was no opportunity to have a bath, only an occasional shower.After her bath, she joined me downstairs where I.
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