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She is ready to cum already. I whisper, "You are very beautiful, sweetheart, this erection is thanks to how pretty you are."I hold her face to mine and give her a sweet kiss on her lips as her hands continue to tug on my throbbing shaft.I bring her focus back up top, guiding her mouth towards the tense, moist head of my cock, literally twitching, and when I've assured her that it's ok, she will bring her hot little tongue to the head and run it along the slit tentatively. I tell her again to. A fence already existed but Caroline had asked me to plant Leylandii along the whole length as a privacy screen. With all four of us working at it, two digging post holes and two concreting the fence posts in place we had all the posts in place by late afternoon and decided to call it a day. We couldn’t start installing the fence panels until the next day when the concrete footings were dry but I felt that the job was well on schedule and the fencing work and clean-up could be finished off. ”Tina laughed and jumped off my lap, stripping with no hesitation, no shyness, but also no teasing or sensuality, this was purely functional. She slipped on her robe and disappeared through the door.Ten minutes later, she strolled back into our room. Stole my side of the bed? More like stole my room. When she dropped her robe off her shoulders, she had my towel wrapped around her.She smiled a little sheepishly and said, “Sorry, the one thing I forgot.”I didn’t say anything and with thoughts of. She actually had a nice little clit-sized cock with no balls. It would be the first time I ever touched someone’s cock. She was soft, cut, and very small in size; while I was grabbing it, it reminded me of a pussy with a huge clit. She moaned while I also grabbed her huge tits. She grabbed my cock and stroke it as well until I was super hard and ready to get sucked. Although I was hard and ready, I couldn’t resist her tits no more, so I sucked on it, licked it in every possible direction, but.
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