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It took about an hour but eventually Jan said we are there. I saidwhere? Jan said just get out of the car and walk. I was so embarrased Isaid I couln't. Jan said just get out. I finally did and then she droveoff!! I started walking down the street and Jan appeared at a housescreaming look at the sissy!I cringed. Jan and she said "welcome to the house of submission"Jan and I walked around the house and every where we looked there wassex!!This woman in latex walked up and said I am. She asked me how many cocks I had sucked and I told her about 75 to 80, some more than once. She commented that I had been a busy little boy. Then she asked if a guy had ever fucked me. I got real red but did not answer. She smiled and said my face gave me away. She asked me how many guys had fucked me and I looked down and whispered 50 or so. She asked what I said and I repeated my answer. She said I was a real cock slut and that she did not know many women who had had more than 50 different. I was surprised, I had expected her to leave as soon as she delivered the sample.“Are you sure you want to be that involved?” Mandy asked her.“Well I think it seems right, everyone in the family is involved with making this baby,” She grinned, “I guess I just want to pump up my part, if you’ll excuse the expression.”We both groaned at the bad joke. As Cathy clutched the bulb I positioned my self at the entrance to Mandy’s pussy. She sighed as I pressed the slim dildo into her. I don’t know if. A well-earned and deserved reputation of untouchable was based upon unwavering fidelity to her marital vows. Diagnosed with an enlarged malignant tumor in her ovaries necessitated a radical hysterectomy at age thirty-three.No longer able to bear children apparently frustrated not only her, but also her husband. Midway through her yearlong recovery she discovered her husband's infidelity with of all people her supposed best friend and colleague. A few months later the fortuneteller at the county.
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