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Di – “What! You started again?”I lowered my eyes and smiled shyly.Me – “It’s just that…”Di – “Just that?”Me – “It was just fun to look at you while you make faces.”Di – “Really? (with her eyebrows raised) Fine fine. Let’s say you are right now. But you were staring at me at dinner as well!” (with her usual suspicious eyes)Me – “No no, I wasn’t staring. I was thinking about something.”Di – “Is it. What were you thinking so deeply then?”Me – “That was about what Mom told. I was just recollecting. So the government sent up Reorienting Centers, and when a person turns 18 they have to take a test on sexual orientation, if they are a 0, 1, 5, or 6 on the Kinsey scale, then they are sent to a center.This is Corio City, the capital and largest city. The main center is located right here.Twin sisters Mary and Alexa sat nervously outside the testing center, awaiting their results."What do you think you got?" asked Mary."Are you kidding?" asked Alexa. "We took a class on this. Obviously we. ‘I hear you’re going on vacation?’ Arnold asked. ‘Yes, out to Austria. It’s some lovely hotel that looks extravagant. The Germans burnt it down during the First World War, but they’ve finally gotten around to rebuilding it.’ ‘Sounds like a good time. Will that be all?’ ‘Yes, it will.’ Jane paid and walked out. The winds were coming in from the east today. They were coming in from the east that day, too… Enough of that. She had told herself a long time ago that she would be much better if she. ..want it...here, I gasped, put it...here. "It might fo off," Bruce grinned, panting too. "You're so beautiful." "Thanks for the compliment." I said, looking up at him wryly, quickly shifting my body so that I could get his hot, very hard cock between my breasts. "Now, you just let me play with him, and don't let him go off. You need to have a little self-control." I was stroking the sides of his hot, thick shaft with the warm balls of my naked breasts, as the underside of his.
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