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Whatme. She said youre moving with your aunt and uncle in bel air I whistled for a cab and when it came near the licenseplate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror if anything i could say that this cab was rare but i thought now forget it yo home to bel air I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and i yelled to the cabby yo home smell you later looked at my kingdom i was finaly there to settle my throne as the prince of bel airThis is a short i have made which does not even get in the. I saw what I thought was movement and a shadow. I thought to myself that the only one it could be was Shelly my 18 year old step daughter because everybody else was already gone to school or work and she and I were the only ones in the house. I thought to myself that if she wanted to see then I would turn so she could get a good look at my cock. I could hear breathing from the doorway but just let it be. After I finished shaving I got dressed and was getting ready to leave for work and went. Now I’m going to fuck your cunt hole what am I going to do to do you I asked her. she said make love to me, no I’m just going to fuck you and started to fuck her you like my knob up you don’t you yes I do I was banging away at her hard & fast I then told her I was going to fuck her from behind, put your arse in the air she turn round & I shoved my knob back up her & started to fuck her she start to make little noises you are going to cum now aren’t you dirty bitch yes she said I am please do it. "I'll go see me Dad. I'll do my best on him. He might budge," she said hopefully. "He might be pig-headed or he might be reasonable. Let's hope."The stocky frame of Adam's father shouted across the small garage at him as he walked through the open doors and passed a car on the ramps. "All right Adam, how ya doing?"Adam grunted and wiped his eyes. "Tired," he replied with a sleepy look and retrieved a set of grubby navy blue overalls from the wall. "Was nicely in the land of nod." Yeah well,.
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