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I did notice my heart flutter momentarily as Iconjured up Mike in my mind, which made me immediately want to bury thatthought as far down as I could. I realize that I'm trying to push theseproblems away, but I really want to avoid opening Pandora's box for aslong as possible.It was perhaps a bit of a cosmic joke that the first sone that seemed tocome up on Jen's phone was "I Kissed A Girl", causing the both of us tosquirm around in our seats as the both of us just let the song play outin. He cummed inside her mouth and he laid her on bed beside me. He put his cock in her pussy and started to fuck her. He is increasing pace and my mom is moaning. Now he put her in doggy position and started to fuck her. I just can’t control to fuck her. Someone knocked the door at that time, my mom said pls don’t bang me. But he opened the door. Then they took the mom outside and locked the door from outside. And I went to my position to see through the hole. To my surprise, there are 8 Africans. Now he rams a finger in there while his thumb rubs my clit. "ooooohhhh like that C..." I ALMOST SAID HIS NAME!!!!......Thankfully he notices nothing but continues.... I am still into it just as much but in the back of my mind I just remember to keep my mouth close. His assault on my clit feels so good I'm in the verge of cumming but my body rejects to feel that pleasure because it only wants to come for hIM and only HIM before my dear beloved sees me come. So I do my best to fake it I tense and. "I see. Well Mister Master, you better do good this time", I told him with a smile. He WAS a great lover. I squirmed a bit. "Do my legs HAVE TO be like this?", I asked. "For now, honey. For now", he said, turning towards Maria on the screen. "So - what do we wanna do to Tricia? Tell me darling", he smiled at her as he spoke. "Ehh....Ah, I dunno. Fuck her?", she answered, a bit cautiously. Her eyes and voice betrayed her excitement. "That's obvious! But you wanna see her get fucked in the.
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