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Both of us breathing hard and slowly calming down as my slowly deflating dick finally falls out of her now finely fucked love hole. She gets her composure looks up at me and says; "I'll go get my shower and go back out to the couch so the girls don't know what we did. I don't want to upset your daughter or mine till we can officially start dating. OH MY! You do want us to start seeing each other, Don't you?" I look up at her concerned face telling her; " Lana (nickname I always used for her. For a special fun look, Ben left a small triangular shaped patch of pubic hair above his cut cock. Shaving his cock, grabbing it from this angle and that angle, groping the balls this way and that way had given Ben a full 7’’ hard on, pointed straight ahead which he showed to Mick the best as he could. Mick was definitely enjoying the show as he did not leave his spot in the hallway and his impressive at least 7’’ limp uncut cock was also peeking through the bathrobe by now. Then their eyes met. She appeared to take the news calmly: "What we've got isspecial, Blair honey; it's not something that you can do with a boy.No one can make love to a girl like another one can. I know everyplace on your body to make you tingle."Big Al even agreed to hang out with Cody. So all seemed right inBlair's romantic life. He was having his cake and sausage too. Yetthere were problems brewing: Big Al had no intention of devoting "thebest years" of her life to loving Blair, only to discover one day. Holding her open with my fingers, I looked up and confessed my inexperience to her, "You'll have to tell me what to do. I've never done this before; nothing even close." I could barely detect the faintest aroma of her arousal when my face was only inches from her pussy. I liked her scent. I liked it a lot. "Oh Irene, you are so precious. Just do what I did to you. Explore me. Experiment. I will let you know what I like as you try different things. Relax now, there is nothing to be frightened.
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