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"I'll miss you," I said, kissing her gently on the lips."Well, you can always masturbate to me," giggled Emily. I blushed, the reaction she wanted. She then kissed me, a passionate, slow kiss, our tongues gently dancing around our mouths. After she left, the rest of us decided to go to the beach, as they were calling for rain the following day.After getting changed into my swim trunks and shirt, I was about to sit and read while I waited for everyone else when Sam came into the living room. She. What was happening to her?Jackie made it safely through the entire day of teaching her kids, but sex was never far from her foremost thoughts. She even had a mid-afternoon session with Mr. Young, but having him eat her pussy while she laid on top of his desk and then him sliding his cock into her cunt and fucking her until he spurted his big cumload only made her to be fucked that much more. Jackie was actually start to look forward to a fuck session with Mr. Young sometime during each school. "Welcome back Sylvia," he said."Thanks Wilson, so what is happening on the home front?" I asked."I went through all Brian's burner phone calls, but they are all about boats. He just isn't selling or buying ruffies," but the stolen boat business is booming." I thought we rolled him up already," I said."We dropped the dime a couple of days ago, but the sheriff didn't do anything yet. Want me to hack the sheriff's phones?" Wilson asked."Don't bother we will give him another week, then we will drop. Allie said you were here last week when I was out on a date." Yeah, I've missed you too. That's what I was calling about. Allie bribed me into having your place painted this week. I'm joking, of course; I like being bribed like that. But hey... the painters want to come over Thursday, and I have to bring over some color samples for you to look at. Can I bring 'em by right now?" Sure Rog. Allie's on a date, but I'm here all night." OK, I'm on my way. I'll see you in about thirty minutes."Jill.
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