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"Later Mrs. Kent kept Vanna's framed photo on her bedstand.Day 2The next day the two sissies were subjected to even more degradingactions while Mama continued to take photos and videos.Mommy had the two sissies lay on their back. She then lubed up andshoved the seven inch two headed dildo into one ass. She then had theother back up and force the other end of the dildo into her ass.Later she had Suzanne on her knees in front of Billie. A chain runs fromher collar to Billie's cock ring. Suzanne. I came to live in the area 3 months before. Rekha aunt was a very good lady she helped me for cooking because i m a unmarried person and can not cook for me so she used o cooked for me. I have never any bad intention about her. but one day i came from my classes at 9:30 am but i usually came from class at11:30 am. so i went to rekha aunt’s home to told me to give some tiffin but when i entered to her house the door was not locked inside. I got inside saw that his son was sleeping and her. There were 5 guys, although one "didn't count" as she put it. The first one she told me about was her kendo teammate. He and her had a special connection and when he was going through a rough patch with his fiancee (and the mother of his c***d) he found comfort in her arms. They had only done it the one time and they both felt bad, or so I was told. Then there was another teammate who had been more about just getting into her pants. They did it a couple of times, but when I asked for details. Again the room was dead silent. The new girl confused simply stared at the screen, watching the images flash by, staring at her name on the screen.“As you can all see, this… is… real.”“Mmm, mmm mmmm mm…”“I would like to formally introduce you all to my newest pet, a blank canvas on which to paint.” The master began to remove the gag.“Mmmm mmmm!” She cried as inch by inch the plastic cock was taken from her throat, until finally her throat and mouth was empty.“Riley, Club Gomorrah’s Ninety.
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