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"Good to see you again too," I greeted her like a high school kid approached by the most gorgeous girl in class. She embarrassed me. My heart raced with the knowledge of what she saw the last time we met."And good to see you too," She behaved more relaxed, more calm, like she greeted male strippers all the time. She took my arm and held it as if in an attempt to calm me down. "Although I liked it better last weekend! There was so much to more of you to see the last time we met."My heart started. He had hardly finished speaking when another told him harshly to shut up. Another then added that it wasn't wise to say anything about the foredeck. He should just enjoy the opportunity since they had only a few restrictions on how they could use the whores.On the foredeck, a row of containers and the foredeck structure ran from one side to the other. This completely blocked deck access from the rest of the ship. The container doors faced forward with each bolted and chained to the deck. On the. It was tricky, and he had to keep from getting excited, but he finally managed. As he clicked it shut, locking it and passing control over to the website transmitter, he could feel the nasty spikes as his now locked cock expanded in its cage... Ouch!Next was the bondage collar. It went on nice and easy, and it was more snug than Dave would have liked, but it would be something he could endure. Standing in front of the mirror, it was the first thing someone would notice now. It was 4 cm wide. I looked up as her tanned hand slowly massaged the two fingers deeply into my asshole. But soon she was no longer just massaging my prostate. I could feel her pulling her fingers all the way out to the edge of my ass and then jamming them back in to pound against my G-spot. It felt great.Then I moaned loudly as she slipped a third finger into my body and began to corkscrew them in and out. I had to roll my hips and pushed my ass back to meet each new thrust of that sensual woman´s fingers. She.
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