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There was a knock on the door beside the ramp used to off-load the horses."Dresser for Miss Voutrakis," a voice called."One moment please." There were a few things that I needed to do before handing over Helena to those that would make her ready for the ceremony. The most immediate requirement was to fit her with the harness that carried the plug I knew would ensure her compliance during the wedding itself. What happened after that would be the Prince's business. By now Helena knew what was. I wanted to catch Jen before lunch period ended and ran to herclassroom, seeing her sitting alone as she buried her head in hertextbook.I walked up to her and knocked on her desk, "Hey Jen..." I'm busy Ally," she said softly as she continued to stare at her book.Violet was right about me, but for the wrong reason. I was putting offspeaking to someone, but I think it's because I didn't want it to be a'mundane' explanation. If 'Allen' is just some kind of coping mechanismand everything that I. You will know that you have made daddy very happy as you can see and feel my manhood reacting to your body.You tell daddy you'll behave. But you have promised that before and daddy will have none of it.Daddy will guide your hands to his member, And he shall expect you to take it, but if you refuse, you know daddy will work your ass over again and much harder this time.You are starting to learn your place, daddy will expect you to take daddy cock into your mouth, but you protest? It's to big,. A smile came across my face as I read the note. My lover must have slipped it in my pocket when we kissed good bye. On the note, in red ink, was her cell phone number and her name, Olivia. Under the personal information was the words “Text me, anytime” and a heart. I laid the napkin on the washing machine and placed my clothes in it and turned them on. As the machine started its cycle, I picked up my phone and walked into my bed room. I live alone, so I rarely wear clothes after my shower and.
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