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Breaking his kiss, stepping back away from her, “Stand with your hands behind your back, slave,” Joe ordered. “Yes, Sir,” she replied as her hands went behind her back. Joe raised his hands back up to her blindfold on her forehead and pulled it back over her eyes, sending her back into darkness. Joy stood still as her body began to shake just a bit as Joe walked away from her. She heard him search through his bag looking for something, her senses on overload as she felt his hand grasp her. ’ She was right. If her hands had touched my erection at that point I couldn’t have held back. Her breasts swinging above my body had been difficult to ignore. ‘Up you get, Alan,’ Liz said as I finished with the lotion. ‘I don’t need after-sun, but I do need attention.’ She replaced me on the bed, spreading her legs so I could see her trimmed blonde bush. I started to kiss her feet, gradually moving up her legs. By the time my mouth was at the inside of her thighs she had grabbed a pillow to. That is, if they weren’t before.What did change was sex life between us. I found my stamina and desire return and Shipra and I were now back to having sex almost every night. She was insatiable and I often wondered if I was able to fulfill her desires. But I didn’t really care. My sex drive was back on track and that’s all that mattered.A month or so later, I came home to a surprising sight. Alan was sitting on our living room couch playing with Chintu. He greeted me like an old friend and. I loved sucking her pussy and prominent clitoris. Many times I'd take her to completion and then find a way to tease another climax or two out of her by playing with myself for her enjoyment or pushing a finger into her anus an inch or so while I licked her clitoris and vagina. Soon I began to lick and suck on her anus to lubricate it for my finger. She went ballistic when I sucked on it and would usually come moments later, clenching her butt muscles around my finger repeatedly.One night,.
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