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“Ugh!” I said, moving around and curling my toes as he pumped me. He’s clearly done this before. The warm water was helping me get stimulated as he just pumped away. When finally after about a minute, I said, “Nick! I’m going to cum soon!”He slowed his strokes. “Do you want me to go slow or finish?”“Finish it!” I said.With that, he immediately pumped fast and hard, splashing the water. I was five seconds from blasting my load. I finally rocketed my cum up and even out of the water, causing me. You looked so funny!’ ‘I got an eyeful when I opened the car door. I was just trying not to upset you any more than you already were. From the way you had been acting towards me, I thought that having me staring at your tits would be the last thing you needed. I was stupid to keep chasing you like I did.’ ‘If you hadn’t been following me, I would have been raped that night. Maybe even killed! My mum says that probably I owe you my life.’ ‘Don’t be silly you owe me nothing. I was just the. In seconds I was sucking for the first time a thick 9inch male cock barely getting the mushroom head in my mouth. The sensation wasincredible as I slowly licked his pee hole out tasting my first drips of precum....After 5 minutes or so, he pulled me to my feet and led me to a low padded stool, without speaking he slowly turned me and stripped my shorts and tee shirt until I was fully naked. Reaching in a file drawer with his right hand hepulled out a full jar of vaseline and quickly reached. I was surprised to find her sofa and looking tired. I asked what I could do and she said the baby is moving to much so I should give her some water. I gave her a glass of warm water which she loves. I was happy to help.She was sad I need you to help me with a new thing and I said Ok. Please help me with my bath. My eyes opened wide but she started laughing. Do not be afraid I will show you. she said we are both girls only difference she is big and I am small. I was still shaking but without.
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